Unique Jobs

UNICEF Internship Programme in New York

Children benefit from Unicef Internship Programme

UNICEF Internship Programme offers students an opportunity to work at UNICEF New York Headquarters.

Kick off your UNICEF career by joining their internship programme in either Ne York or in any of the countries where they have offices. Competition for UNICEF internships is generally fierce, with a large number of applicants from around the world. But, that is no need to get discouraged. Just make sure you speak at least one of the official UNICEF languages fluently (English, French and Spanish), and have an excellent academic record. If you have some experience in volunteering and related work work experience, that will significantly help out your application.

Check out the full job listing on the UNICEF careers website. If you have questions, you can also email them directly at internships@unicef.org.

Apply for this job here

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